To save a gorilla or chimp, we have to reduce pressure on that animal. To find out, what obstacles the animal is dealing with, we have to observe it on location. Due to crisis no data have been collected over years now. We have to start from the scratch by doing a survey.
For a large mammal survey, we need up to 5 people collecting data over a period of almost a month. According to park regulations they have to be guided by there staff. This baseline data enables us to do biomonitoring on a certain group. If we do so, we can save the animal by reducing pressure.
Choose a one-off contribution of minimum 400 USD and transfer money via AZIMO from any country to:
Planet B.
United bank for Africa (UBA)
P.O.Box 168 half Mile Limbe
Refer to the name of our project if you want to contribute to a certain funding goal.
Send us a message with your email address. We will inform you about implementation progress and results of your donation on the ground.