Association Planet B, Cameroon


Integrating conservation and perilous human needs







  1. The not for profit nature of the activities and services of the organisation;
  2. The need to expand the organisation’s activities into different parts of Cameroon;
  3. The request for our services;
  4. The desire to put into practice knowledge acquired by members through her expanding network;
  5. The desire to strengthen and maintain our partnership with donor organisations


We the members of Association Planet B, Cameroon have drawn up our articles of association as follows:





In conformity with the law no. 92/006 of 12th August 1992 and its decree of implementation no 92/4551PM OF 23rd November 1992, an Association“Association Planet B” was born on 12th of October 2014. AWP is an apolitical, not for profit, civil society organisation with headquarters situated in Buea, South West Region-Cameroon. It shall carry out its activities throughout the national territory.




2.1.     MISSION

Our mission is to care for wildlife via a holistic approach in association with modern technologies.



2.2.    GOAL

The gorilla is depicted on our logo and its protection is particularly important to us. In cooperation with other animal welfare groups on a national and international level, we want to create synergies to render our efforts for the protection of the species most effective. At the same time, we also want to promote scientific research and boost developmental assistance for the benefit of the local population



The objectives of Planet B are to:

  1. Develop corporations to foster the conservation of biodiversity
  2. Promote scientific research
  3. Initiate and encourage the development of social business for local communities
  4. Improve livelihoods of remote local communities


ARTICLE 3.            DURATION

The Group shall have an indefinite lifespan



Monthly dues and registration fees depends on the class of membership. Rates for membership dues shall be fixed by the executive committee and stated in the internal rules and regulations of the group. All other financial obligations and benefits accruing to members of the group shall be stated in the internal rules and regulations of the group.



  1. General Assembly

The general assembly shall be the supreme organ of Planet B. Participants at the assembly shall include; core members, associate members, honorary members, sympathizer institutions and persons interested in the promotion of biodiversity conservation and livelihood improvement. Voting on crucial matters during deliberations shall be restricted to registered members of the group. The general assembly shall be presided over by the Coordinator of the group and shall be held twice a year. The general assembly shall deliberate in the presence of at least ⅔ of its members.


  1. Executive Committee

The executive committee shall be made up of the core members and technical advisers invited to join the executive committee. It shall hold its meetings and take decisions only in the presence of at least ⅔ of the active members. The terms of reference of the executive committee may be amended at the annual general assembly of the Group by a ⅔ majority of the members present. The executive committee has as duties to:


  1. Design work plans and evaluate progress reports
  2. Discuss financial matters of the Group
  • Take disciplinary decisions with respect to members
  1. Report to the general assembly on matters of concern
  2. Authorize the appointment of special committees as may be deemed necessary to conduct the work of the Group
  3. The board

There shall be a maximum of 20 members including office holders and others appointed by the President. The Board shall consist of some external members and the rest being members of the Executive group. The functions of the board and its office holders shall be defined in the internal rules and regulations of the organization.



  • Conditions for membership

Membership in Planet B shall be subject to the following conditions:

  1. Proven interest in natural resource management and nature conservation
  2. Recommendation by two or more members of the core team,
  • Satisfactory completion of a minimum three months trial period,
  1. Payment of registration fees, and subsequent monthly/annual dues,
  2. Respect of the rules and regulations of the Group.

    • Loss of membership

Membership may be lost by:

  1. Voluntary withdrawal
  2. Dismissal
  • Death
  1. Dissolution of Planet B
    • Category of membership

There shall be four categories of members to include the following:

  1. Founding members, who shall maintain oversight over the organization, with veto powers over the executive arm of the Group.
  2. Core members, who shall actively participate in the implementation of the activities of the group. They are initially made up of founding members and other registered members of the group. Upon necessity core membership may be extended to others, on recommendation by three or more active members.
  3. Associate members, may participate in the general assembly of the group but may not necessarily participate in its daily activities except as volunteers. They could however be called in as resource persons whenever the need arises.
  4. Honorary members/ Promoters may be individuals, groups or institutions who are not interested in pursuing membership status but who contribute through material, technical and/or financial gifts towards the running of the group.
    • Paid Staff

In case of funded projects and where AWP Cameroon lacks man power or specific skills, AWP shall identify and recruit staff for short term to execute specific tasks.  If deemed necessary these staff may be maintained as group members if they meet the requirements for membership.  A committee of three headed by the delegate shall be responsible for such recruitment.



All members duly registered shall have the right to:

  1. The benefits of the group, for instance attending trainings, seminars, workshops and conferences
  2. Participate in the activities of the group


Each member MUST:

  1. Pay their monthly/annual contributions regularly
  2. Abide by the rules and regulations binding the Group



  1. The following shall be considered as faults;
  2. Non-respect of the constitution and the internal rules and regulations
  3. Absence and lateness to meetings and other manifestations
  • Misuse of Group’s identity
  1. Insubordination and non-respect of hierarchy and authority
  2. the sanctions applicable to these cases shall include;
  3. warning
  4. temporal or indefinite suspension
  • dismissal
  1. judicial action
  2. The disciplinary committee shall be responsible for the implementation of these sanctions


  1. The modalities for the functioning of the disciplinary committee are stated in the internal rules and regulations







The executive officers of the Group shall be

  1. The President
  2. The Vice President
  • The Secretary General
  1. The Finance Clerk
  2. The Auditors



  1. The President (Executive Director)

The President convenes and presides over general meetings and executive committee meetings of the group. He/She represents the group, outlines the orientation of activities for each year, negotiates funding, signs contracts and sees to the smooth running of the group. He/She shall be specifically responsible for authorising all expenditures, as well as for establishing and signing all bonds, contracts, official documents and equipment on behalf of the Group. The President reports to the General Assembly and to the Founding members, with oversight by the Founding members.


  1. The Vice President

The Vice President (Delegate) of the Group shall assist the President in his/her functions. Upon instructions from the President he/she may carry out specific supervisory duties, preside over meetings, and sign contracts or other agreements.


  • The Secretary General

The Secretary General shall notify members of the timing and venue of planned meetings during which he/she shall be responsible for taking down and presentation of minutes. He/She shall also be responsible for the functional management of the office and personnel as well as for the financial management of the Group and shall report regularly to the executive committee on the financial situation of the Group.


  1. The Finance Clerk

He/She shall be the custodian of funds and securities of the group. He/She shall deposit all monies and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the group in such depositories as may be designated by the group. He/She shall keep accurate account of receipts and disbursements and together with the administrative secretary shall present a financial report to the executive committee and auditor(s) whenever required. He/She shall be a joint signatory with the President to the group accounts.


  1. The Auditor(s)

The auditor(s) shall be responsible for scrutinising the budget of the group, for evaluating the running cost of the programmes of the Group and for ensuring that the quarterly and annual financial records of the Group are in order. 


  1. The Technical Adviser(s)

These are persons co-opted into the core team as at when needed to provide professional counsel on proposals under development and projects under execution




  • Elections
  • Elections shall be organised by an electoral council of 3 persons appointed by the general assembly at the end of every mandate; they may however be organised upon extraordinary request by the delegate, or the general assembly as may be the case upon resignation, death, or dismissal of an officer.


  1. Every Active/core member of the group duly registered may be proposed for a given position of responsibility. He must in order to be registered as a candidate, be seconded by at least two other members of the group.


  • Voting shall be by secret ballot within a democratic context. Each active member may vote once for each position of responsibility.


  • Appointments

Individuals or special committees may be appointed by the executive committee to carry out specific duties on behalf of the group. The appointments shall end upon completion of the assigned task or upon another executive committee decision.


  • Term of Office

Each member of the executive committee shall serve for a period of five years after which they may be re-elected or not. Resignation or dismissal may terminate the period of office prematurely. In case of resignation the decision is effective upon receipt by the executive committee of written notice thereof. Dismissal shall take place by a decision of the executive committee, and upon approval by the various organs of the Group in case of executive committee members.



Resources including finances, administrative and field equipment, shall be generated from, registration of members as well as their monthly contributions, the amount of which shall be stated in the internal rules and regulations of Planet B Cameroon. Voluntary contributions by members, donations and other subventions by national or international organisations shall complete the resources available to the group.



  1. Maintain a multi-disciplinary team for execution of its activities,
  2. Negotiate funding and appropriate partnerships for project execution
  • Assure participation and capacity building of the local target community during project execution




The group may in the interest of its members, decide to merge with another group, split, be transformed into another type of organisation or decide to dissolve. Any of the above decisions could be taken on condition that:


  1. ⅔ of the general assembly approves and elects a special committee to study all the available options considered.
  2. the report of this committee is carefully examined and approved by the general assembly


In case of a decision in favor of dissolution, all the assets of the organization (after payment of debts if any) shall be gifted to organizations which pursue a similar mission with Planet B.



This present constitution shall apply to all members of AWP Cameroon without exception and remains binding until further modification.


This constitution and internal rules and regulations can only be amended by the decision of at least ⅔ of the members during an extraordinary general assembly.